Start a Blog 101
This FREE COURSE will show you how to really start your blog in 5 easy to understand modules.
YES. You CAN be a blogger!
Let me show you how…
Do any of these sound familiar?
- You go to bed at night thinking, “What did I really do today?” and “Why do I feel like my schedule belongs to so many other people?”
- You wish you could start a blog, but you have no idea where to start.
- You think about the possibility of bringing in some money from running a blog, but you worry that you don’t even know how to blog to begin with.
- You read other blogs or scour Pinterest for ideas on blogging, but haven’t been able to really pull anything together.
- You keep meaning to get started, but so many other things get in the way.
- You see others working for themselves and feel so envious. You wonder what it would be like to be the one making all the choices.
What if it didn’t have to be that way?
I can help you learn simple, ACTIONABLE methods for making blogging your regular, sustainable, golly-why-didn’t-we-do-it-this-way-before dream-come-true.
The best part of all is that you can create it all on your own schedule.
Ready to get started?
Your Instructor

I’m Kristen, a 30-something Mommy to 3 kids. I love reading, writing, trying new beers with my husband and binge watching series on Netflix.
And like you, I used to worry about how I’d support my family. In my career, I used to commute for hours and spend long days at the office. It wasn’t exactly easy to create my blog - yet I knew I could because I had the time and flexibility to do whatever I needed to do.
But after I had kids, I could no longer do what I’d done before. I needed to find another way.
I’ve learned how to blog from endless Google searches and Facebook groups all on my own. I’ve done this now for almost 2 years.
And I’ve made all the mistakes.
I’ve taken the wrong steps and from that, I’ve learned the RIGHT steps. Let me teach you the right way to mom blog.
Who is this course for?
You’re a Mom. Whether you’re a new mom or a more experienced mom, you know how tricky it can be to juggle your time now that another human is depending on you. (And the fact that your 4-year-old just ate cat food while you’re reading this doesn’t help your focus…)
You know you have a good work ethic. And even though you’re concerned about learning a whole bunch of new skills, you know if you give it a good shot, you’ll feel more confident about it once you get started.
You’re the type that loves the idea of creating new things for an adoring audience. Whether it’s writing, videos, or pretty graphics, you dream about others admiring your work.
***This course focuses on Lifestyle/Mom niche self-hosted Wordpress blogs. If you already have a blog on another platform (for example or Blogger), you would still benefit from many of the course topics.***
Course Curriculum
StartLet's get started!
StartModule 1 - Selecting Your Niche
StartModule 2 - Your Domain Name and Hosting
StartBONUS: Detailed How-TO Guide: Buy Your Domain And Hosting With SiteGround
StartBONUS: Intro to Wordpress Video (5:14)
StartBONUS: Your First 5 Plugins Video (16:04)
StartModule 3 - Your Social Media Presence
StartModule 4 - Your Wordpress Theme
StartModule 5 - Write Your First Post + Worksheet
StartMy Favorite Blogging Resources
Listen, I know you can do this.
I would LOVE to show you where to start so you can make your schedule, your creation, your dream something YOU control by creating your dream blog now.
I really want you to reach your dreams.